Allianz and EuroGrandine: partnership official
Together for a valuable collaboration
We are pleased and proud to announce the new partnership between our Italian company EuroGrandine and Allianz: together for a valuable collaboration in the hail network.
Pleased because we are aware that working alongside one of the most important companies -in Italy and in the world- like Allianz will allow our Italian company to go further in its offer to its customers and partners at all levels, exceeding the already excellent results achieved so far and distributing quality and satisfaction in every frontier of the business.
Results, quality of services and customer satisfaction: motivations that led Allianz to choose EuroGrandine for this partnership. Hence our pride, as the German-based Insurance Company represents the top worldwide: a model of professionalism, distinction and solidity, from the Vision down to the individual agent operating in the market.
The Numbers of Allianz
The Allianz Group – abroad Allianz SE – founded in 1890 and listed on the Berlin Stock Exchange as early as 1895, is today among the world leaders in insurance and asset management. It can count on a base of more than 159,000 employees and a customer base of more than 122 million in over 70 countries.
Allianz Italia, in turn, is one of the top three insurance companies in Italy and has just under 5,000 employees, more than 8 million customers and a multi-channel distribution network of more than 25,000 players including Agents, field staff and Financial Advisors. It also holds major Bancassurance agreements and also operates through the direct company Allianz Direct.

Shared values
Corroborating the partnership between the two companies are very similar corporate values, in which EuroGrandine reflects its work ethic and Mission.
Entrepreneurial spirit, customer and market excellence, trust and collaborative leadership, sustainability – all values that reflect what EuroGrandine instills in its daily operations and in the relationships it establishes and maintains with customers and partners. Reasons that prompted Allianz to trust it and embark on this fascinating journey of collaboration.

EuroHailstorm and Allianz: we look to the future
The opening of the new Paris headquarters of the EuroHailstorm brand, a bridge to Europe, and the partnership with Allianz Italia, one of the three most important insurance players in the world, in the space of a few days: EuroGrandine is serious.
EuroGrandine and EuroHailstorm’s ambition, determination and desire to do well both in Italy and abroad, drive us to take on such demanding challenges with great confidence and enthusiasm. Passion and dedication for our work sustain us.
We are, and will continue to be, the calm after the storm for all our customers and partners – that is our mission.